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   Return program's own name

   Function:   XPmyName()

               This function, That can be used ONLY on machines
               equipped with DOS 3.0 or higher, returns the full
               path of the program as it was invoked. It enables
               the program to check in which directory it was
               started, or just what his own name is!

   Syntax:     XPmyName()

   Arguments:  None.

   Returns:    A character string containing the full path to the
               program as it was invoked. Returns garbage when
               running under DOS 2.0 (No harm done though).

   Usage:      if XPmyName() != 'A:\BURP.EXE'
                    ? 'I want to start on drive A: and ..'
                    ? 'I Want to be named Burp.Exe..!'

See Also: XPcommandLine()
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson